Monday, July 14, 2008

The kitchen sink and a piece of wallpaper

This is also a two-part Moly with a fabric part and a paper part.

I was inspired of the title of Carinas drawing in her moly and had the chance to do an embroidery I´ve been thinking of for a long time. As a mother of three children i spend a lot of time in the kitchen and there I see new still lifespass on the kitchen sink every day.

In the drawing I started with a piece of an old wallpaper from my grandmothers house. It reminded me of the crocheted wallpaper Carina is showing in her blogg, so it is a kind of homage to that one.

Then the drawing and the emroidery have influenced each other...


Inger Carina said...

Ohhhh Wow! Elizabeth! Super cooolt.
Nu längtar jag som f-n att den skall komma varvet runt till mig så att jag får klappa på den :) Tack för att du gjort så fiiiint!!

Eng:Super cool. Now I long for it to come back to me so I can pat on it like a pet :) thanks for makeing it so supernice!!!

LB said...

Ho ho! First this must come to mee, have never work with the needle and thread. But I have the thaughts for years.